November 1997
The continuing struggle for recognition of inherent Aboriginal rights, particularly regarding self-government and the freedom of movement that sovereignty implies, requires the support of many people in a number of different areas. Transformation must take place in the fields of education, history, anthropology, law, politics, cultural practice, and others, as well as in the relationships within and between peoples of various races and colours. Traditional Aboriginal peoples continue to reclaim both their dignity and destiny in our time, and desire a harmonious and just relationship with other people, but not at the expense of their own sense of nationhood.
In the case of Wabanaki people, a number of both recent and historic issues have surfaced in the last few years, calling for the concern of all who want to see just and peaceful relationships develop. A central struggle is the case of gkisedtanamoogk and Miigam'agan, a traditional Wabanaki couple who are caught in the grip of the so-called "border-crossing" issue. In a coordinated effort a cross-cultural group called Miingignoti-Keteaoag is doing the research, public education, advocacy and legal work necessary to see that justice is done, not only for this single family but for all Aboriginal people within Wabanaki territory.
It is not possible to sustain these efforts, however, without the financial support of many people. We therefore ask that any person or group who shares the hope that one day just and harmonious relationships will exist between us all, and that Aboriginal people will be able to reclaim their own destiny within those relationships, consider sending us a contribution. We are unable to offer charitable receipts, but we assure all who read this that no personal monetary gain is being made by anyone within the group. Any contribution will be used solely to continue the struggle for gkisedtanamoogk, Miigam'agan and the Wabanaki people. The address below provides a place for you to send donations.
Thank you for your consideration of these important Aboriginal issues.
Brian McIntosh
Pledge Form for Miingignoti-Keteaoag
o Yes, I support your efforts.
o Yes, I would like to know when the meetings are.
My phone # is: _________________________________________
My fax # is: ___________________________________________
My E-Mail address is: ____________________________________
My address is: __________________________________________
Please make cheques payable to Miingignoti-Keteaoag, and send to:
Brian McIntosh